“The greatest benefit of synergy is born in the diversity of perspectives. The highest value can be found in these variances. Too much of the same does not create change in the same way, does not produce the sweetest fruits for all, and gets old quick.” Danielle Marie Crume
To help people and organizations optimize their available potential and resources in order to excel and achieve great results on the professional as well as on the personal level.
Thirty years of experience in multicultural, professional and social, environments have taught me that although we seem to be different, we all have similar needs and expectations. This, of course goes hand in hand with our remarkable individual uniqueness.
Multicultural diversity becomes an advantage when we are able to accept and respect our differences. It is about interaction and behaviour; with everyone taking part in this process, regardless of where they are from, their back ground, status or position. Furthermore all of us should be able to fully employ all of our talents and have the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our organizations and communities.
Win/Win intention – Respect for all concerned and Economically Justified should be a universal criteria.
Call it ‘Ethics in Business’; a corporate culture which deploys and optimizes the available human potential and resources in an effective way that creates new perspectives, opportunities, sustainable change and long term successes.
When challenges and obstacles become ‘stepping-stones’ towards solutions you create a more constructive and rewarding way of thinking, communicating and working for both individuals and organizations.
Professional Experience
- President of ‘SteppingStone Global’ in the Middle East with offices in Bahrain & Saudi…
- Founder of the ‘SteppingStone’ approach and concept in Belgium
- Management Consulting, Leadership Coaching, Facilitator, Speaker, Trainer…
- International Business Development Consulting (Australia & Philippines)
- CEO in the furniture industry (Europe, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia…)
- Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- Interpersonal Development & Change Management
- Principle-Centred Leadership
- Leadership in Management
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The 5 Pillars of TQM (Total Quality Management)
- Marketing & Communications