“The presenters were so helpful and prepared to share. They created a collaborative environment which enabled practical suggestions to flow freely”
Mr Fahad Al BassamHR Manager - GARMCO
“Both Mike and Jean were very dynamic and interactive in their approach to delivering the course. Both Jean and Mike used examples from their personal and professional experiences to reinforce the theory of the course, and applied each example to CCB staff in the context of their role. This made the training extremely engaging and appealing.”
Emilia MatevaEvents Manager - Capital Club Bahrain
“Grabbed all attendees’ attention and kept focused to the end. The more the program is designed around the core business, the better results will be achieved. This was very satisfactory”
Mr Emad Al DabalPresident - SGB Al Dabal
“We are delighted with the quality of SSG’s efforts. We look forward to more future activity with SSG”
Ms Sonali BharatGroup Training and Career Development Officer - Zayani Investments
“The approach is very rational & methodical, easy for group to understand, interactive / conclusive and convincing, encourages all to participate, provide platform to share experiences of group.”
Sandipan Bali Retail Sales & Marketing Manager-Tamimi Commercial
“Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, you will be asking FOR WHAT?? For inviting me to attend the Seminar on “Effective Sales Techniques”, it was a great two day seminar, simple but very effective. There were many things to be learnt, but the most important thing I got to learn is distinguishing between what is IMPORTANT and what is URGENT, and believe me, only this has led me to GREAT results in my business!! After I attended your seminar, my yearly production as of 31 May 2011 is sitting at USD 340,000. In 2010, my business stood at USD 244K, so we are talking about a 40% increase in 5mths only from last year’s TOTAL business, which if I were to convert it in annual terms would be around 96%; GREAT, Isn’t it? Please let me know in future if you have any seminars of this kind, as they surely act as a refresher and at the same time, get you back to focus on the most IMPORTANT and URGENT tasks to be executed. Thank you once again”
Mufaddal Fakhruddin Sr. Exec. Consultant - Nexus Financial Services
“The SteppingStone coaching lead us to focus all our energy on the solution, not on the problem. The solution oriented attitude helps you to reach the desired situation using the suitable tools. No words can express all the respects & appreciations to our trainer, not only he had a very good presence & excellent experiences but also an interesting discussion created during the course.”
Mohamed Rafik Regional Sales Manager - NAQEL
“Reinforced the importance of meaningful and effective communication … great and meaningful experience for me”
Mr. Yajur DamaniOperation Manager - Komandor Middle East
“Liked the high level of participation and interaction… very effective at getting staff to open up… understand, sympathize, accept, and commit to change! Well done…”
Dr. Brian Prystupa PhDDivision Manager - Reza Health TEC
“Very interactive and aimed at participation of the entire group … keep doing what you guys are doing as it is really working”
Mr. Naveen PylothPurchase & Logistics Manager – Madem Gulf Industries
“What we found in SteppingStone was an empathic and personal touch that we
had not found in other typical training or management consultants. We found that SteppingStone was an extension of our own organization rather than just
an outside contractor…”Mr. Keith WatsonGeneral Manager - Reza Hygiene GCC
“The “Inspirational leadership” training has improved my management style. Also the tools we have learned has contributed for a better and smoothly planning of factory projects and developments. “… Useful methodologies and concept … thanks for this important training where I had the opportunity to develop and improve my managing skills…”
Christian Outeiral Industrial Manager - Madem Gulf Industry WLL
“SteppingStone facilitates and enables change, especially the understanding of current
situations from an objective standpoint (to ‘step back’ and be non-judgmental), and then
helps understanding the reasons, aims and ways of responding positively according to
employees’ own situations and capabilities and the company’s needs – a matching process.
SteppingStone goes beyond training and drills deeper than a consultancy – SteppingStone is
the bridge to a transformed organization…”Mr. Mike OrlovChief Executive - Primedia International GCC
“There were many differences in approach, but what we felt a critical element SteppingStone focused on was “managing across cultures”.
“You interviewed the members of our functional management individually and in confidence to understand the culture. Historically TCD was an “autocratic/command & control” company where your most valuable asset “people”, were not allowed to think but were “told” what to do. This is the common scenario we used to see, where 10 people argue about a solution and nothing happens…”Mr. David CastonBusiness Development Manager - Tamimi Company/Commercial Group Saudi arabia
“SSG……..not only architecture the business solution that best fit your needs, but also coach your people to drive the required change towards fulfilling your goals successfully…”
Mrs. Raja Yousif Al Zayani PMP, MSc PM, SMPChief Strategic Planning & Quality Management HE Office - Ministry of Work Bahrain
“The SteppingStone methods have brought real improvement to the functioning of our top management. Jean is trusted and respected by all involved and that creates a basis for commitment to change…”
Mr. Peter Alink CEO BFIM - Binzagr Group
“Indeed it was really my pleasure meeting you last week. I would like to thank you so much for the invitation in Capital talk which I really felt not only enjoyable but more important opened my mind of how to deal with business matters in many way.”
Waleed KhalafChief Executive Officer - T-Linx Technology Solution Architect