We are often asked how maximise employees’ productivity for the benefit of the enterprise. Without fail we always answer; treat others the way they want to be treated. This answer is almost always met with a certain level of incredulity: Really? Do we completely let go of our leanings and adapt to the environment as defined by those working for us?
Clearly it is not possible or advisable for us to completely suspend our own views and priorities but it is definitely worth listening, amending how you act to fit with their needs. Just make sure you amend your approach in a controlled way; always within boundaries which are set by your explicitly outlined purpose and vision.
If getting the best out of your people is a key aim of your leadership approach, then identifying and working with, rather than against, their behavioural priorities, will work for you, for them, improve relationships with suppliers, deliver more for customers and cause greater problems for your competitors.
Although difficult for those of us who are supposed to suspend our beliefs and ways of operating in the hurly burly mess of running our enterprises, how do we go about this for best possible results.
Encourage each member of the management team to see themselves as doctors for their employees / patients. Clearly these management doctors would not prescribe the same drugs and treatment for each patient visiting their medical practice; each patient has to be judged on their individual symptoms before a diagnosis could be given and before any drugs or treatments were prescribed.
Unfortunately most managers see looking after employees is not seen to be an option; managers are often heard to say; ‘…there is too much at stake and time is too short…’
Time is definitely short but in business, as in medicine, no single prescription cures all ills.
We need to take time with our people. We need to explore what might be the most appropriate way to deal with each individual and the most effective way to organise resources to develop most capabilities and competencies for current circumstances. However for most leaders and managers trying out a new idea, attempts at a trial to see if it works and accepting error and failure is simply too risky; there is too much at stake for the enterprise and for their own career.
Here are some practices we have found useful delivering for and getting the best out of employees:
Clarify Purpose, Vision, Goals And Objectives: Articulate what today looks like and what tomorrow might be, underlining this as a normalized goal fitting in with the needs of the individual as well as the enterprise
Define Your Approach: When your people believe you have been thoughtful and considered them in the context of objective-setting, they will almost always embrace your explicit way of doing things
Train And Educate: Always remind and re-educate to achieve wider understanding and develop skills
Share Success And Embrace Failure: Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. Share success with people. Embrace failure.
Help Change People For The Better: Let your employees know you are their business-coach and are committed to facilitating their personal-growth
Dream Big And Show All the Great Things Which Can Be Accomplished: We have to earn the right to be a leader
Say ‘Please’ And ‘Thank You’: Through your management teams, encourage civility and respect, treat all as individuals and use these three words often
Remember; ‘A good boss is a person who isn’t worried about their own career but rather the careers of those who work for them.’