Group Coaching


Our approach is based on a series of interconnected steps that focuses on achieving your objectives and values.  We work at the level of attitude, communication and behavior in such a way to optimize the available skills and expertise.

We suggest working with specific groups with the goal to improve and optimize the communication, relationship and cooperation, which will in turn improve the performance and the retention of implicit knowledge within your organization.

The content and process will be customized according to the needs, challenges and objectives.

The SteppingStone approach is based on a logical process of human development to achieve sustainable change and continuous improvement. This process can be summarized as follows:

  1. Assessment and analysis of needs, objectives, obstacles, challenges, etc.
  2. Individual and confidential interviews with the participants to know their point of view, perception of the issues, challenges, etc. and to build rapport with them.
  3. Interactive training/coaching sessions: Creating awareness – Developing solution oriented communication techniques – Creating concrete actions plans.
  4. Evaluation, measurement & analysis of evolution & improvement to ensure progress.
  5. Follow-up & Implementation Sessions to ensure execution/ implementation of the action plans.
  6. Evaluation and measurement of the improvements and progress, with recommendations to ensure sustainable change.
  7. Semi-annual Assessment of Progress and fine-tuning, where needed.
As already mentioned above, we work at the level of attitude and solution oriented communication and actions as the driving force to support the existing skills and expertise.
This is done with full cooperation of the management/leadership and integrated with the existing processes and work procedures.
The sessions are interactive with full participation from each individual. It’s not a lecture-type, but very practical, to the point, straightforward interaction and cooperation with concrete action plans, effective improvement and sustainable change as measurable results.

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